Learn about the proposed Alaska Child Care Trust Fund and HB149, Collective Bargaining for Early Educators with Representative Zack Fields.
The time is now for opportunity and action for child care in the Alaska State Legislature. HB149 and a proposed Child Care Trust Fund are moving through the Legislative process. Come learn more about the bill and a Child Care Trust Fund with bill sponsor, Representative Zack Fields.
You can learn more about child care collective bargaining here Thursday's with thread | Alaska's Child Care Workforce Bill with Special Guest Rep. Zack Fields - YouTube. Since we met last, there have been advancements in the bill including an amendment that would create a Child Care Trust Fund to increase investment in child care now and into the future.
thread invites all advocates- early educators, parents and community members to join us to learn more. This session will include an overview of the bill, why a Child Care Trust fund now, the timeline of the Legislative process to passage, and how you can advocate and encourage others to join in taking action. Register to join us to learn about more money for child care in Alaska!
The bill language and more information can be found here: http://www.akleg.gov/basis/Bill/Detail/32?Root=HB149